Free Data Collection Service for Nonprofits

We know the importance of nonprofit and charity organizations, so we’re happy to announce that we provide free data collection to them as a volunteer service. We believe in helping charities and philantropic organizations all over the world bridge the gap between their mission and their audience.

Our team makes it easy for your organization to create impactful research papers, infographics, statistics that you can use online or in print by collecting data for you.

Feel free to contact us if you are a nonprofit organization who needs any data which is publicly available on the internet.

Who can apply?

All NGOs, nonprofits and charities are eligible to participate in this program.

How it works?

Please describe the sources you want to collect data from and the output format what you can work with. If you have a sample data set which shows the desired output, just share with us, it can help to speed up our work. Output can be XML, JSON, CSV, Excel, SQL database or any other custom format supported by your systems.

In case of questions don’t hesitate to contact us.

Note that we cannot provide data which is not publicly accessible or protected by CAPTCHA.

we love nonprofits